
Bell's theorem proves quantum physics is true

Bell's theorem proves that quantum physics is contradictory to local hidden-variable theories. It was introduced by physicist John Stewart Bell in 1964. Quantum mechanics has a few disturbing aspects. A lot that comes to one statement in quantum mechanics, the superposition principle is that if we have a particle that could be in several possible states at a certain time and we can't tell which one is it's in, it's in all those states at once.That means that while we don't see our mobile phone, it acts way differently to how they act when we aren't looking. But do we have to really believe that? I mean we can never by definition actually catch the objects in the act. The EPR paradox tried to prove that superposition is wrong. From EPR, if we had our two objects in different colours, one was white and the other black, but we didn't know which was which.Quantum mechanics insists that all possible things happen, so each particle is both white and bl

What is Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle?

In the real physical world around us, it's very easy to look at a moving object and estimate where it's going to be in the next few seconds. This happens because the uncertainties in the speed and position of the object are so small that we can detect them. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is one of a handful of ideas from quantum physics to expand into general pop culture. It says that you can never simultaneously know the exact position and the exact speed of an object and shows up as a metaphor in everything from literary criticism to sports commentary.Uncertainty is often explained as a result of measurement that the act of measuring an object 's position changes its speed or vice-versa. The real origin is much deeper and more amazing. The uncertainty principle exists because everything in the universe behaves like both particles and waves at the same time. In quantum mechanics, the exact position and exact speed of an object have

What are quantum particles?

What's the smallest thing in the universe? take your ex's mobile phone and break it in half, then in half again and keep carrying on where would you end up? Could you keep going forever? or would you find a set of individual building blocks out of which everything is made? Physicists have found that matter is made of fundamental particles, the smallest things in the universe. particles interact with each other according to a theory called the 'standard model'.The standard model is a remarkably elegant encapsulation of the strange quantum world of indivisible infinitely small particles. It also covers the forces that govern how particles move, interact and bind together to give shape to the world around us.So how does it work? Zooming in on the fragments of the mobile, we see molecules made of atoms bound up together. A molecule is the smallest unit of any chemical compound. An atom is the smallest unit of any element in the periodic table.But the

Libet Experiment,Quantum Mechanics, Determism And Free Will.

You went to vote and thought about whether it is better to vote for Trump or Biden. Later that then caused Biden to win. That's how it seems, but Benjamin Libette's experiment in the 1980's cast some doubts on that in his Neuroscience lab he wired up the subject to an EEG machine measuring brain activity via electrode on their scalps and then asked them to choose to perform a simple hand movement like you were supposed to choose trump or Biden.  When they felt like it, he also got them to record the time at which they made a conscious decision to move their hands disconcertingly. He found evidence of brain activity initiating the movement hundreds of milliseconds before the individual willed anything to happen. Some people think this is proof that free will is an illusion that our conscious decisions are more like reports on what is already happening than the cause of our action. Libbette didn't go that far. He thought that we mig

Time is an illusion

The invisible force that governs our world you feel in your breathing from sunrise to sunset is the eternal progress of events that occur seemingly irreversible from the past through the present into the future. Without it, we wouldn't be able to contemplate a universe giving rise to creatures such as ourselves giving rise to creatures such as ourselves to question the concept of time.        Einstein's theory of relativity states that the closer one is to be a gravitational field of an object such as the earth. For example, the slower time goes. Time will also flow slower if one object has a greater relativistic velocity than another if we imagine the famous twin experiment where one flies in a rocket into space near the speed of light while the other twin stays on earth. Upon the return from her space flight, she will notice her twin on earth has aged all of her in a way she has traveled into the future as time for her has flown more slowly relative to time on the

What Would Happen If We Used The Energy Of A Black Hole?

What would happen if you put criminals in a room with a rope, a box and a black hole? They might come up with a plan to power the earth for centuries.  This is what if and here's what would happen if we could harness the energy of a black hole. Black aren't something you can come across every day to make a black hole of your own. You would have to squeeze a planet ten times bigger than our earth into the diameter of a cricket ball. Black holes are very dense and have enormous mass and as we know from a famous Albert Einstein equation everything that has mass also has energy in the case of black hole we are talking a whole lot of energy theoretically we could collect all that power without any super advanced new tech and if we we would have access to more energy than we would know what to do with but of course it's not easy.  What makes black holes such an attractive energy source? it's their high energy conservation rate.


One of the most amazing facts in physics is that everything in the universe from light to electrons to atoms behaves like both particles and waves at the same time. All of the other weird stuff you might have heard about quantum physics, Schrodinger's cat, God playing dice, spooky action at a distance all of it follows directly the fact that everything has both particles and wave nature. This might sound crazy. If you look around, you'll see waves in water and particles of rock, and they're nothing alike. So why would you think about combining them? Physicists didn't just decide to mash these things together out of nowhere. Rather, they were led to the dual nature of the universe through a process of small steps, fitting together lots of bits of evidence, like pieces in a puzzle. Initially there was no technology to observe the quantum level of mass in the 18th century. Some of them tried to know what exactly light is made of and ligh