Will we ever be able to do quantum teleportation?

Is teleportation possible? Could a baseball ball transport radio waves travel through buildings, bounce around the corner, and change back into a baseball? Oddly enough, thanks to quantum mechanics, the answer might actually be. sort of. Here is the trick: the baseball itself couldn't be sent by radio but all the information about it could. In quantum physics, atoms and electrons are interpreted as a collection of distinct properties, for example position, momentum and intrinsic spin. The values of this property configure the particle. giving it a quantum state identity. If two electrons have the same quantum states, they're identical. In a literal sense, our baseball is defined by collective quantum states resulting from its many atoms. If this quantum state information could be read in Boston and around the world, atoms for the same chemical elements could have this information imprinted on them in Bangalore and be carefully directed to assemble, ...