What exactly is a higgs boson (God particle)?

The universal discoveries of the 19th century as well as the 20th century did not happen in the 21st century. This is to say that we haven't seen the recent discoveries in physics that tell the secrets of the universe that looked like it was deeper than atoms. So, those in this generation feel that we are born too late to explore the universe. But the fact is that once in a life scientists have explored the atoms level and died. That's, they projected their respective mathematical theories. We must think that we still have the chance to find out from mathematical formulas, including evidence from practical experiments. And without a doubt, the most exciting scientific observation of 2012 was the discovery of a new particle at the CERN laboratory that could be the Higgs Boson. The Higgs field is thought to give mass to fundamental subatomic particles like quarks, electrons and leptons that make up ordinary matter. The higgs bosons ...