
Showing posts with the label Quantum MechanicsQuantum TheoryQuantum ComputingQuantum EntanglementQuantum Field TheoryParticle PhysicsWave-Particle DualityQuantum ElectrodynamicsQuantum GravityQuantums


One of the most amazing facts in physics is that everything in the universe from light to electrons to atoms behaves like both particles and waves at the same time. All of the other weird stuff you might have heard about quantum physics, Schrodinger's cat, God playing dice, spooky action at a distance all of it follows directly the fact that everything has both particles and wave nature. This might sound crazy. If you look around, you'll see waves in water and particles of rock, and they're nothing alike. So why would you think about combining them? Physicists didn't just decide to mash these things together out of nowhere. Rather, they were led to the dual nature of the universe through a process of small steps, fitting together lots of bits of evidence, like pieces in a puzzle. Initially there was no technology to observe the quantum level of mass in the 18th century. Some of them tried to know what exactly light is made of and ligh