What Would Happen If We Used The Energy Of A Black Hole?

What would happen if you put criminals in a room with a rope, a box and a black hole? They might come up with a plan to power the earth for centuries. This is what if and here's what would happen if we could harness the energy of a black hole. Black aren't something you can come across every day to make a black hole of your own. You would have to squeeze a planet ten times bigger than our earth into the diameter of a cricket ball. Black holes are very dense and have enormous mass and as we know from a famous Albert Einstein equation everything that has mass also has energy in the case of black hole we are talking a whole lot of energy theoretically we could collect all that power without any super advanced new tech and if we we would have access to more energy than we would know what to do with but of course it's not easy. What makes black holes such an attractive energy source? it's their high energy conservation rate. ...