Bell's theorem proves quantum physics is true

Bell's theorem proves that quantum physics is contradictory to local hidden-variable theories. It was introduced by physicist John Stewart Bell in 1964.
Quantum mechanics has a few disturbing aspects. A lot that comes to one statement in quantum mechanics, the superposition principle is that if we have a particle that could be in several possible states at a certain time and we can't tell which one is it's in, it's in all those states at once.That means that while we don't see our mobile phone, it acts way differently to how they act when we aren't looking. But do we have to really believe that? I mean we can never by definition actually catch the objects in the act.
The EPR paradox tried to prove that superposition is wrong. From EPR, if we had our two objects in different colours, one was white and the other black, but we didn't know which was which.Quantum mechanics insists that all possible things happen, so each particle is both white and black. But if we open one box and the object is black, then when we open the other we must have the white one.The only way is if, somehow or another, the particles can talk to each other. We will call any theory where entangled particles are able to communicate while they are separated like this, a theory with "talking particles".But the EPR argument then showed that. If a theory has talking particles, then those messages go faster than light. So, what does this mean?
                                   If Einstein and the majority of physicists at the time were right and nothing can ever go faster than light, then EPR tells us that all theories with talking particles are wrong. That includes quantum physics. If nothing truly can go faster than light, how can we explain the fact that entangled particles always have opposite colours to each other?They can't talk to each other while they are separated as EPR shows, so others while they're still together. That means that instead of acting all crazy and going into superposition while they're behind our backs, they instead act pretty normal with just one colour. 
                        So, you see if nothing can go faster than the speed of light, not only is Quantum mechanics done, for we can go back to believing the world isn't doing such crazy things while we are not looking.That is if particles can't talk faster than light, then superposition is wrong. What about the other possibilities? What if entangled particles talk faster than light to each other? This is where lots of people get it wrong. If entangled particles do talk faster than light, that doesn't necessarily imply superposition is right.That would be saying if a man whose name is Einstein is a physicist, means if his name isn't Einstein he wasn't a physicist. That's clearly not true.If his name is not einstein, you can't infer anything about him. In some ways, if particles talk faster than light, all you can say is they talk faster than light. So, finally we get to talk faster than light. So finally we got to the point. What is Bell's theorem?
                                Bells came up with an experiment that would give different results in a world where particles can talk faster than light and one where they can't. This got people really excited because there was a chance to disprove quantum mechanics. Later that year, people finally came up with the technology to do the experiment.These results, particles do actually talk faster than light. Quantum mechanics survived, but like it said before, this doesn't prove quantum mechanics is right, only that it isn't wrong in this way.This brings up a lot of questions. First, what about relatives? Remember that the biggest assumption in relativity is that nothing goes faster than light, but apparently that's not true in relativity.If it's possible for you to send your friend a message faster than light, all kinds of crazy stuff can happen. For example, to some people it will look like you get your friend's message before he sends it. It's even possible for him to reply before you send it.But then what if you decided not to send your original message after all? This is an awful logic mess. So what's the solution?
       Physicists say that they have come up with it. They claim that it's impossible to manipulate our entangled talking particles to send the messages we want. This is called the no communication theorem. Another question is that, sure this experiment doesn't prove that superposition is true, but is it really possible for all the weird experiments we have been talking about without it? Turns out it might be. There is at least one very promising alternative to quantum mechanics that does have talking particles, so it's not ruled out but doesn't have superpositions.

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  1. They want you to believe that because you don't know the state of a quantum particle it has both. You have to accept that purely on faith. I don't buy it.

  2. Thoughts can travel faster than light.


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