What Would Happen If We Used The Energy Of A Black Hole?

What would happen if you put criminals in a room with a rope, a box and a black hole? They might come up with a plan to power the earth for centuries.
 This is what if and here's what would happen if we could harness the energy of a black hole. Black aren't something you can come across every day to make a black hole of your own. You would have to squeeze a planet ten times bigger than our earth into the diameter of a cricket ball. Black holes are very dense and have enormous mass and as we know from a famous Albert Einstein equation everything that has mass also has energy in the case of black hole we are talking a whole lot of energy theoretically we could collect all that power without any super advanced new tech and if we we would have access to more energy than we would know what to do with but of course it's not easy. 
What makes black holes such an attractive energy source? it's their high energy conservation rate.

 Let's do some math, take a 60 kilogram yashwanth(me) and multiply his mass by the speed of light squared.
            One lbh = 453.6grams
        133* 453.6 =60000grams
So, one Yashwanth =60 kilograms 
     Now, apply E=MC^2

 You will see that the energy contained within this one single Yashwanth(me) is enough to power up all homes across the world for a year, but you could never extract all that energy from  Yashwanth(me). 

The best energy producers. We have now nuclear fission and nuclear fusion only gather 0.7 percent of the potential energy in mass black holes. A different story is that their energy conservation rate sits around the 40 percent mark. But finding a black hole wouldn't be easy with today's available technology. Even getting into the neighborhood of a hole will take you about 12 million years. 
so, let's fast forward and assume that we have found a black hole nearby.How would we go about getting the most out of it?? we could try throwing stuff into into black hole, The gravitational pull of a black hole would cause anything dropped into it to speed up and release energy as it went or we could drop things into the accretion disk of a black hole where all the dust particles are caught in its orbits from there we would collecting energy form of radiation something known as the penrose process but how exactly would we collect all this energy. 
Some great minds have come up with a theory that a box designed to collect energy could be sent from a safe distance point via a rope to a location close to a black holes's event horizon filling with radiation in the process one problem here is ensuring that the box in the rope don't get sucked into the hole according to some calculations the box suitable for this task could only be the size of bacteria so that the rope could still support it we might as well dip strings right into the events horizon and drain a black hole completely dry would take a very very long time but once it's done the most ambitious energy dreams would come true we could abandon our power plants and finally stop polluting the plants we could fuel up our rockets and go explore outer space we would start building megastructures in space the things we could do with unlimited energy but first  we would need to spend millions of years travelling to a suitable black.

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