What exactly is a higgs boson (God particle)?

The universal discoveries of the 19th century as well as the 20th century did not happen in the 21st century. This is to say that we haven't seen the recent discoveries in physics that tell the secrets of the universe that looked like it was deeper than atoms. So, those in this generation feel that we are born too late to explore the universe. But the fact is that once in a life scientists have explored the atoms level and died. That's, they projected their respective mathematical theories. We must think that we still have the chance to find out from mathematical formulas, including evidence from practical experiments.

And without a doubt, the most exciting scientific observation of 2012 was the discovery of a new particle at the CERN laboratory that could be the Higgs Boson. The Higgs field is thought to give mass to fundamental subatomic particles like quarks, electrons and leptons that make up ordinary matter. The higgs bosons are wiggles in the field like the bump you see when you twitch a rope.
But does this field give mass of particles?? The physics teacher in a famous school challenged all students to explain this Higgs boson stuff in a simpler way.The prize was a Sicilian pizza. The winning explanation went to something like this: suppose there's a large farewell party at the school filled with particle physics students. This crowd of students represents the Higgs field. If one of the arrogant seniors entered the party, nobody would want to talk to him and he could very easily cross the room to the burger. The arrogant senior wouldn't interact with the Higgs field. Particles that don't interact like photons, for example, are called massless.
Now, suppose that Jack Sparrow entered the same room, perhaps completing the movie shooting which is behind the same school. In case, the students will immediately crowd around Jack to take a selfie with him. He interacts strongly with the crowd. Jack will move slowly across the room, continuing our analogy. Jack has become a massive particle through his interactions with the field. So, if that's the Higgs field, how does the Higgs Boson fit into all of this?
Let's pretend our crowd of party goers is uniformly spread across the room. Now suppose someone pops their head in the door to report a rumor of a physics teacher affair. Some distant people near the door will hear the rumor, but people far away won't, so they will move close to the door to ask. This will create a clump in the crowd. As people have heard the rumor they will return to their original positions to discuss it, but people further away will then ask what's going on. The result will be a clump in the crowd that crosses the room.This clump analogous to Higgs boson it is important to remember that it is not that massive particle interact more with the Higgs field.In our analogy of the party all particles are equal until they enter the room. Which means both arrogant senior and Jack Sparrow have zero mass. It is the interaction with the crowd that causes them to gain mass. I will say again
Mass comes from interaction with a field so, let's recap. 
  A particle gets more or less mass depending on how it interacts with a field, just like different people will move through the crowd at different speeds depending on their popularity.And the Higgs Boson is just a clump in the field,like a rumor crossing the room. Of course, this analogy is just that an analogy but it's the best analogy anyone has come up with so far. 

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  1. The TRIMOBIUS (R) model provides a more practical model of the Higgs Boson, one that you can grasp and hold in your hands, manipulate and understand, inside and out.
    It features two photons within its construction, a dimensional well that supplies the unusual production of additional mass as part of interaction and decay, and, despite the production of "mass", a symmetrical Bosonic spin characteristic.
    You can think of it like a traffic cop, sitting still, waiting until some reckless speeding driver comes close by, edging the speed of light. The interaction between the cop and the driver decays the cop into (usually) two photons and some aftereffect of that gravitational well that sticks to the reckless driver like a ticket. Meanwhile the reckless driver gets a bit smashed and slowed down. The proper order is restored to the universe.
    Oh, and the family of Higgs Bosons has at least two candidates, one is Hadron-like and the other is Lepton-like. There are a bunch of experimental methods suggested to detect the smaller one, if you're interested.


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