Date: 17/05/2022: Tiny particles, larger efficiency (nano technology)

Writing a diary took place today for me, not just for life memory, but also to use the app for usage of store reality ideas. It's started curious for me after knowing things get better by making things smaller. At initial age of computer it was known that computer was in larger size and the microchip consisted only 5 to 6 transistors at that time, but later the no. Of transistors per 1 microchip got increasing. In 2000 year , 2000 transistors fitted into 1 microchip, and now a modern smartphone from Apple company has 7 trillion transistors in microchip. By this analysis, I clearly understand that technology has advanced by making things smaller. It would be great work if something was done like this. And also today it's known that a technology called nano technology is similar to this. Curing of cancer by nano technology is mind blowing. The impact it has on the medical field would be great. The scientist who doesn't even have the least knowledge of medicine can save many lives by his work of nanotechnology.


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