What if we ate dark matter?

What happens if just one micrometer of dark matter gets into your body? What danger does it pose and what is its importance to all of humanity?
 If you bring together all the planets stars gas dust galaxies and everything else that our universe consists of you can see that the total of all matter does not converge but rather expands the matter we see accumulates forming a cosmic web clusters of galaxies grow to enormous sizes inside which we can observe the movement of movement of galaxies at the most incredible speeds movement provides powerful gravitational effects but according to scientists for all this to work, you need five times more matter than what we see so, does this mean there's something else that is some matter that we don't see ? Thus in order to explain all these contradictions scientists introduce the dark matter they began to create simulations of vast cosmic proportions. 
Scientists came to the conclusion that if this matter really exists then our Milky   should have a huge halo of dark matter and part of it passes through our solar system to the earth. and even our bodies every second billions of particles of dark matter fly through me ,you and several billion other people around the planet it doesn't interact directly with ordinary matter it's particles pass through living organisms without colliding with atoms but there are times when clashes do occur thus a logical question arose is such a collision harmful to our health?
 In July 2019 a team of scientists from case Western reserve University  led by one Glenn starkman conducted a study to find out if a person can be used as a living detector of dark matter according to scientists it turned out that this is not at all safe they found that dark matter is able to combine with ordinary baryonic matter in clumps or so called macros these clumps scatter in space at hypersonic speeds the energy of one macro can achieve the same energy as bullet fired from a 22 caliber rifle but if you have to choose between death from a rifle or a clot of dark matter it it would be better to give preference to the former compared to this mysterious substance ordinary bullets seem like the fact is that the clumps of dark matter are absolutely invisible and in theory should be only a few micrometers in size. However, once in the human body they heat up to ten million Kelvin which is 1.73 times the temperature of our sun after which they transform into an expanding cylinder of plasma this is enough to burn a small hole through your body. It's unlikely that any of you could withstand such hellish pain and such extreme temperature.

 But if a person comes under fire from several of these clots the body can even be split into separate atoms and completely turn into plasma but despite the fact that a huge number of dark matter particles passed through the body of every earthly throughout their life no one has yet died from this in the entire history of mankind not a single death from dark Matter has ever seen recorded. And not a single person has ever been discovered with such holes in his body. According to scientists models and simulations all galaxies should be shrouded in a huge halo of dark.

 it's density is at its maximum in the center and very low in remote parts of the galaxy thus in the location where we all are now 25,000 light years from the center of our galaxy ordinary matter prevails and the amount of dark matter is quite small if you collect all the dark matter in the solar system up to orbit of Neptune you get no more than 10e17 kilograms something like the mass of a small asteroid on earth the situation is quite different from what we see in interstellar space the density of the human body is comparable to water 1,000 kilograms per cubic meter the density of the dark matter on earth even in the most realistic simulations is several times lower than ten to the minus twelfth kilograms per cubic meter if you were to collect all the dark matter located inside all the people on the earth at any given point in time it would be measured in just nanograms. 

If you want to know how much dark matter passes through your body during a certain time you need to multiply only four values the density of dark matter the surface area of the person through which dark matter passes it's speed and the length of time for example a second a year or an entire human life which is on average about 80 years the calculations will take a minute the density of dark matter on earth is approximately ten to the minus twelfth kilograms per cubic meter the surface area of a person is 1.7 square meters since dark matter can come from a random angle we can estimate the area intersected by dark matter at about 0.6 square meters our solar system orbits around the center of our galaxy at a speed of about 200 kilometers per second but with respect to dark matter this movement should be faster closer to 350 kilometers per second this means that relative to the earth dark matter moves at a speed on the order of 400 kilometers per second thus at any given moment in time there are about  1e-20 kilograms of dark matter inside of you however a much greater amount of it constantly paases through you for every second about 2.5 10e-22 kilograms of dark matter each here about 10e-8 kilograms in 80 years about one milligram of dark matter pass through a human being as you know this small amount does not create any noticeable consequences thus we see a kind of paradox in order to at least slightly raise the veil of secrecy of the universe we need to detect the dark the dark matter thereby proving it's existence in practice due to that fact it's on earth quite low it's incredibly difficult to do this but if the density dark matter were much higher it would be simply impossible to to catch it about 10 octillion that's 10x10e48 of the particle.
But what if scientists are wrong, scientists can accurately detect the real particles of dark matter all theories remain only guesses and assumptions however the opportunities and dangers that lie behind the mysterious substance are simply colossal once macros are large clumps of dark matter that could create a new super devastating weapon of mass destruction I'm afraid to even imagine how massive or vice-versa a full understanding of dark matter might solve global problems that humanity has been struggling with for more than a century what do you think about this my friends let me know in the comments. 


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