What does quantum theory tell about reality?

We read that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west in childhood. We thought the same was true until then. It is true that the sun is rising at the same time as the earth is moving all around itself, we can't oppose any statement here. This is called a paradox. This is exactly what happened in science. The universe is made up of atoms as we know and we have been believing that for hundreds of years.

 But the reality is that quantum field theory says that there are no atoms, electrons and quarks in the universe, but you can guess what fields are now as you can see the universe is full of similar fields. assume just like a fish in the ocean. The fish in such a water doesn't recognize the water it is living in. In fact, it is never known that it moves back and forth in water and that the ocean it sees is predicted to be an empty space and that the fish will be born in the same water and die in the same water.
Do, now if you go into matter, we can say that quantum mechanics can divide any substance in the universe. So far,  we think of it as a kind of fundamental particle. but the fact is that they are not visible to us at the particle stage as long as we see them.So, what is the actual shape of the original waveforms that create them in such fields? For example, if you look at an atom field, it looks like an atom when a wave rises up. and that field is full of the universe. Each object in the universe is made up of atoms, so we are just waves. These fields in the universe are like a sea where waves are created everywhere in the ocean and in this void we can create waves with constant vibration in fields that are invisible. This means that wherever in this field it has value.
The universe is full of 17 fields and we can also assume a field of gravity. According to this theory, the universe is made up of magnetic field, electric field, gravitational field, electronic field, higgs field and the quark field as well as gluon is also a field. The nebula that you see here is different in colour, but it's actually full of these 17 fields. It's a colour made by mixing colours of different fields. We should think of them as waves rather than particles. Quantum field theory can be the solution to many problems in quantum mechanics. Many theoretical physicists also agree that this quantum field theory is the best theory in physics.

There is a mysterious question in those days about how the earth revolves around the sun. In response, Isaac Newton said that larger objects attract smaller objects and the Earth's orbit around the sun is greater because of the gravitational potential of the sun.But Albert Einstein came to the question of how the sun could affect the earth from such a distance without any physical contact. So far that question, eliminate Newton gravity and expect space to be invisible in the form of a space-time fabric, so that other planets with less mass are adjusting orbits in the space-time fabric. This is exactly the field theory and it is mathematically proved.We still can't say that Newton gravity is completely wrong because we are using Newton gravity in rocket science. So field theory is better to understand the universe than particle theory.

and another interesting thing is that these fields interact with each other and this is called equal and opposite excitations in the field. It also forms waves in the field. When a wave created in an electron field and anti electron form by downside, this wave created below the electron field produces excitation waves in the above electron field and then a photon is created. On interacting these 17 fields form electrons,protons and quark. And we are formed by such waves.

According to Heisenberg uncertainty fields have no zero energy, it means fields always vibrate.You can doubt how these fields also formed? This field is formed by mass, which means an electron forms when the electron field is touched with 0.511Mev.So, we can observe that particles are not fundamental in the universe, only fields are fundamental.  We can observe in electron magnetic a structure of magnetic fieldSo, we discovered this as a particle till now, but particles have only half chance of right. As we see in the beginning, we can realize it was a pure paradox.

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  1. How about this? A singularity is really a rolled piece of string. If the singularity has a rolled value of (56) & a string length of (5 + 6 = 11) or (1 + 1 = 2) then the string with the ends attached has a circumference of (11) or (2) squiggly or not. The vibrating loop in units of frequency or time produces gravity as seen in a dark matter field producing gravity or additional mass for galaxies because energy = mass. This happens because one dimensional time hasn’t a speed or vibration limit & (x, y, z) space is simply a location for time without having to literally travel through space. Vibrating loops can produce properties by vibrating in space. Since vibrating loops are one dimensional they can’t vibrate in our space but can vibrate into various other dimensions in various other universes. That’s why mathematical equations are driven crazy trying to calculate umpteen dimensions or deciding how many dimensions strings have in order to vibrate successfully. The vibrating loop can also be called a vibrating field. The one dimensional vibrating field is similar to our space-time fields. For instance an electron flows through a wire in our space & creates an electromagnetic field. That electromagnetic field has a frequency measured in time. Therefore you have an electron in a wire that is really a path for the electron in our space & an electromagnetic field in time which is a wave in another world since time here is primary hence particle wave duality exiting in a space world & time world paradoxally all at the same time as stated in Murkowski’s (x, y, z, t) space depending whether or not it’s read from left to right or right to left. Read left to right it says only one thing can exist in (x, y, z) space at clock time (t) & read right to left it says time (t) can exist at any (x, y, z) position without having to travel through space to get there. Come to think about it since symmetry is de rigour in our space perhaps our brain’s interpretation of our movement in space is the ultimate illusion.

    1. Is well thought out and written - our numbers give the way that everything proves and enables (prime numbers - are one side of space)


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